
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Grace of God

Ever since we moved to Richmond I have been dying to go to the temple. Unfortunately all of the elements have been combining against my wishes ...

  • The closest temple is 2 hours and 15 minutes away
  • Chad has class all week while I have classes all weekend
  • Add up the time it takes to drive to the temple, do a session, drive back it totals about 10 hours per temple trip.
  •  D.C. traffic.
Even with all of that I have been dead set on making it to the temple this month. You know what? By the grace of God Chad got out of class at 11 a.m. yesterday and we made it our goal to go to the temple. I have been praying since Sunday (when we planned on going) for it to be a great experience.

Lately I've been stressed and worked up about things that really have no eternal significance. I knew that if we went to the temple I would feel that peace I so desperately needed. 

All I can say is "wow." When we drove up and I saw Moroni on top of the spires, my heart stopped. When we got closer and I saw the entire temple I felt overwhelmed with joy. There was no other place in the entire world I would have rather been at. 

Inside was beautiful and stunning. It is easily one of the most beautiful temples I have ever been through. The entire time I was there I felt absolutely at peace. I felt a calmness and assurance that can only come from God. Sitting there with Chad, glimpsing into eternity with him was perfect.

I cannot describe how happy, joyful, ecstatic I am knowing that I have the gospel in my life, and an absolute assurance that Chad and I will be together FOREVVVVVER. How many people can say that? Needless to say, it was a fantastic trip. Well worth the 10 hours. I cannot wait until we go again when Harry gets home.

Want to learn more about LDS temples? Click here, send me an email or comment below!

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  1. That temple is beautiful! Yeah it is easy to get spoiled and take for granted the temple if you live in Utah, but moving out of state has meant that it is a longer drive and a lot harder to get there. Brandon and I will be going today to the Seattle temple! :-)

    1. Yay! I hope your temple trip was amazing. We are totally spoiled by living in Utah, haha. But it makes the experience that much better when we have to make an effort to go.

  2. Cute dress, Hailey! I'm glad you and Chad were able to attend too - I know exactly what you mean when you described how the temple invites peace and joy so abundantly into a person. Especially after feeling the weight of stress and things that oftentimes don't even matter. So good :)

    1. Thanks Tara! You'll have to come visit and see how gorgeous the D.C. temple is IN PERSON!!!
