
Monday, September 9, 2013

Bane of my existence

For a couple weeks now I have been craving Sour Mambas. This craving isn't like, "oh I want some but if I don't get any no biggie." It's more of, "I NEEDED TO HAVE THEM YESTERDAAAAY!"

And I swear I have been to every grocery store here in Richmond with zero luck (also can't find Jr. Mints ... what gives RVA?) Chad, being the sweet hubby he is found a 24 pack of Sour Mambas on Amazon. As you can imagine 24 packs of Sour Mambas have some inherent problems.

  1. I only need one pack
  2. I would devour all 24 packs in one sitting
  3. Where would we put 24 packs of Sour Mambas?!
I told Chad not to order them and I would just make due. You guys ... that was literally 2 weeks ago and I cannot get this craving out of my system ... I've been going back and forth about ordering the 24 pack or not. It's gotten to the point that I'll pull up Amazon just to look at them during grad school ...

Well today there was a lovely large box sitting on our doorstep, from Amazon, addressed to Chad. He brought it into the bedroom and said, "OK, this is an anniversary present. You can open it now or in 10 days (anniversary September 20)."

I asked him, "well do I want what's in the package now or will I want it 10 days from now?" You know what my hubby said?!?! Chad, "you will enjoy what's in the package equally now and 10 days from now." Whaaaaaat?!

Then I asked him point blank if the package was Sour Mambas, annnnnnnd he wouldn't tell me. This back and forth questioning of the package went on for the better half of dinner. On the one side "I really want Sour Mambas." On the other side, "what if it's NOT Sour Mambas?! I might be disappointed and ruin my anniversary present ..."

Chad told me I had ten minutes to decide and I battled with myself not coming to any conclusion. So there sits the Amazon package ... waiting ... tempting ... 

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