Chad and I went on a hot date to his cadaver lab Saturday night after class. Honestly, it was pretty awesome. I thought I would be grossed out, but as Chad kept telling me, "these are not people anymore." I kept that mantra on repeat as he showed me all of the parts he has dissected and guys ... I got to hold a real human heart in my hand. I'm in communications, that was truly, and honestly a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. It was thought-provoking and surreal, I honestly loved it.
Then that handsome man of mine went all out and made Brazilian food for Sunday dinner. My heart was swooning. Feijoada, couve cozida, Guaraná and Mousse de maracujá. You guys ... this took me right back to Brazil and all the people I love who live there. Chad and I are really going to try our darndest to get back there after his Step 1 next March.
Lastly, I would like to issue a public apology to my
Only 60 days until I walk.

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