
Thursday, October 17, 2013


10 things I love about the hubs.
(Yes there are more.)

1) He is so gosh darn patient with me. I can be the worst person to be around and Chad is ever so kind and patient with me. He patiently deals with my crazy moods and never gets upset, instead he tells me he loves me.

2) He is so witty and clever, but never uses that against me. Chad is quick as a whip, he always has something witty to say. But when we get into disagreements Chad never uses his wit or cleverness against me. Let's be honest, he could say something and I'd still be sitting there five minutes later trying to think of something more intelligible to say than, "ohhh ... well .... you're wrong!"

3) He is a wonderful priesthood holder. Chad is the best at being spiritual, seriously. He reads his scriptures on a daily basis, his prayers are always sincere even after a late night of studying, he fulfills his church callings despite being busy and he helps me fulfill my role and purpose in the church as well.

4) He is really good at being affectionate. You guys ... I am so, so, so bad at showing my affection. Chad is always hugging me, kissing me, cuddling with me. He is always saying he loves me, and how beautiful he thinks I am. For goodness sakes he even checks me out while I'm getting dressed and makes sure that I see him. Chad is an affectionate person.

5) He is really good at cooking and helping me cook. I can make a mean grilled cheese, but Chad can make five star creations without looking at a cookbook. He never complains about what I cook even if it tastes weird or isn't impressive, he always says, "this tastes great babe!" What a trooper.

6) He is a team player. Chad really, really wants our marriage to be about us as a team, and that's how it should be. I struggle with that because I am crazy independent. But Chad is always making sure that we make decisions together, and he lets me in like we are a team ... which we are.

7) He is down to earth. I can get extremely worked up over something someone said, or something I read and Chad is just so down to earth. He doesn't care about the opinions of sheep. He knows who he is, what he wants and he does not let anything get him down. 

8) He is actually really nice. Sometimes I think Chad tries to come off as the reserved maybe not so nice guy, but in reality he is the nicest guy I know. He is always talking to people, telling others how great they are, and validating strangers. Also, he is nice to me, I mean really REALLY nice, nicer than I deserve on some occasions.

9) His charm and charisma. Holy moly! This is what initially attracted me to Chad. He is so charming and charismatic that girls fall over themselves in the grocery store if he so much as offers a friendly, "hi" to them. And I get it, I fell for him, and I continue to because he is charming.

10) He is loyal. Chad is really loyal to his family and friends, which is what makes him such a wonderful friend, brother, son and husband. He will stick by those he loves to the end, come Hell or high water. You can count on him always being there when you need him the most.

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  1. Love This! ♥

    You, Hailey, are a perfect match for my brother! A list of 10 things would be just as nicely writ about you as this tribute to Chad has been.

    Miss you guys!

  2. Awwww thanks Tara! I hope he would write something just as nice ... ;)
