
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Maymont Gardens

As everyone knows Chad started med school on Monday. He is really excited to finally be going. This next part will only make sense to 1/4 of you, but I think I should share. This new curriculum is that he will start rounds half-way through the second year. Rounds, during the second and third year. Also, he will technically be a second year student in January ... yep you heard that right. 

Our ward friends Lyanna and Alan suggested Chad and I go to the Maymont Gardens before med school started. We wanted to go for a couple of days but couldn't get out the door because it was raining so dang hard. Finally one afternoon after the rain stopped we took the afternoon to go out, and it was amazing. 

Seriously 100 acres of beautiful, unique gardens. These pictures don't do it any justice. 

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  1. OH my gosh I absolutely LOVE gardens. Brandon and I go to Oregon regularly because they have these amazing Japanese gardens and I am always trying to scope out other gardens to visit.

    1. Ashleigh you would LOVE these gardens. There was one that was all Japanese, and it was my absolute favorite. When you come visit us in Richmond we'll take you there!!!
