
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's the end of the world as we know it ...

I was listening to NPR yesterday (one of those habits I've picked up from my hubs) and they were talking about the end of the world.

December 21, 2012

They had a scientist from NASA on who was dispelling a lot of ridiculous rumors.
Things like:

  • The planets will align

  • A mysterious force will change the north and south poles

  • A giant meteor will crash into earth

  • The Mayan spirits will come back and kill everyone

  • Zombies

What caught my attention was the panic of some people in response to these rumors:

  • "My dog is my only friend, when should I put him down so he won't suffer?"

  • "Will we all die instantly?"

  • "How drunk would you have to get to not notice the end?"

  • "We're all doomed anyway."

  • "I feel too young to die."


My heart was moved to compassion for these people. They are so worried, hopeless, removed from light and depressed about this so called end of the world.

It was a slap for me to realize, I am not afraid at all.

One, because I do not think the world is going to end in less than a month.
Two, even if it did end, I know where I stand, and that I get to hold Chad's hand in the next life.
Three, the world's just not going to end, OK?!

I feel very blessed to have been given such a wonderful and hopeful perspective on life, people and the world.
Yes, we live in very trying times and sometimes I wonder if I want to bring children into the world, just because I'm scared what they'll live through.
But then I remember that for all the bad and evil there is good and righteous.

We have a choice. In the end of days we can be discouraged and miserable. Or we can be faithful and hopeful.
I chose the latter.

Because life really is a lot more fun when you have an optimistic perspective. In any situation you can choose how you respond. That in return will determine how happy you are.