
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Male and Female differences

Before I dive into this post please know that I will no longer be posting on Facebook each time I have a new post. If you'd like to be informed when the blog is updated all you have to do is become a follower. 

And now ...

I've noticed that there are a lot of differences between men and women in the way we think. Something that we as wives would think to be completely logic can sometimes come off as insane to our loving hubbys.

But I think we should embrace these differences, and learn to love the adventure in them.

Here is an illustrated example for you of the differences between Chad and I. I love that hubby of mine.

This is his side of the bed. Complete with shotgun shells just in case a bad guy breaks in and he needs to pull out the big gun.

This is my side of the bed. A little more detailed and girly.

Even with our differences we love love each other. In fact, I think that our differences are some things that we love about each other.
 photo sign_zps684bf94b.png

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