
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Us against the world

Today Chad and I were having a conversation via text about some girl at work who was going to get fired. I usually wouldn't take a particular interest except for the fact that it messes with my Chad time. Her getting fired means that Chad will have to go back to working Thursdays, Friday mornings and Saturdays. Chad already works Saturday and Sunday nights. So when the heck do I his WIFE get to spend time with him?!?! #needymuch?

*sigh* I guess I this is good med school training right? Oh but wait we're NOT in med school and I want to spend as much time with him as possible before he does legitly go to med school and I see him even less than I do now. #isthatevenpossible?

I digress.

As we were sitting there talking I noticed something. Since being married things are no longer, "Me versus everyone else." It's become "Us versus everyone else."
It's true.

When he tells me about his co-workers who are less than intelligent I instantly hop to his side and team up in the "oh my gosh I can't believe they really did, how dumb is that?" When I tell him about a fellow classmate who keeps dropping the ball he automatically says, "wow you're right she can't get it together!"

And truth be told I like it.

I like knowing he's got my back like I've got his.
There's no wondering "will he take my side?" Because I already know he has my side.

I'm sure there will be times where I'm completely out of line, but he'll still back me up, then later when I've calmed down tell me what he really thinks. But I know he'll still take an attitude of "Us versus the world."

And quite frankly with Chad by my side we could take on the world.

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