
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Changes, chaaaaaanges

Things are going on … and they’re happening really quickly.

Remember how my dad got his VP promotion? Yes, he’s leaving for Virginia next Tuesday. I don’t even know how to put my feelings into words about this.

1)      I am so excited and happy for him. He deserves this more than anyone else I know.

2)      He’s really going to be on the east coast, which is too far away until Chad and I head out in the middle of July.

3)      Even though he’s going to be in the same state as me, he’s going to be living a few hours away. No more driving ten minutes to the parent’s house to play with Lili, do laundry, talk to dad. Weird.

My mom will be following right behind him; their house is sold and closed. Yes, that all happened in three days. She’ll be leaving on a plane May 13th to Virginia. Bye-bye parents and Lili.

The house where I grew up is going to be gone. Not gone, but I will never see it again. It will be a home to a young family from New Finland. How strange it’s going to be to not play basketball in the back yard, run around the family and living room with Lili, run across the hall into Harry’s room at night to scare him, sit at the dinner table on warm Sunday afternoons with our windows open.

How strange this all seems to me. I think I finally really understand the word, “bittersweet.

I know it’s part of life, growing up, moving away … but there’s a tiny piece of my heart that is really sad.

Here’s to changes, big and small. Here’s to wonderful years in my home. Here’s to moving on to new adventures with Chad.


  1. Awwwwweeee.... I know what you mean. Thank goodness you have so many great memories there. Maybe you should write them all down in a journal before you forget them.

  2. Great thinking Ash!!! :D I'm soooo glad you can relate with moving to WA and all just last year.
