
Tuesday, October 2, 2012


In a word it.was.perfect.

Chad and I had such a wonderful time and I won't bore you with too many details but we:

  • Swam with dolphins

  • Played with stingrays

  • Went scuba diving in Mexico where we saw eels, turtles, stingrays, lion fish and other sea critters

  • Drank virgin drinks

  • Ate our weight in food on a daily basis

  • Played on the beach

  • Went shopping

  • Threw paper airplanes off the top floor of the cruise ship

  • Sang along with the piano man at the piano bar

  • Made up identities for the people who never came to dinner at our table

  • Watched Dexter

It was absolutely wonderful and I'm sad to be back.

One thing was a significant highlight of our honeymoon.
While at dinner one night I noticed an older couple celebrating 30 years of marriage.
I turned to Chad and said, "Doesn't it scare you to get old?"
He looked me in the eyes and said, "No. The next life is going to be so much better than this one. I get to spend forever with you. I can't think of anything that would be better, can you?"

It was all I could do to choke back tears.
That was the sweetest thing he's ever said to me, and I hold that little fragment of a moment closely.

Our honeymoon was wonderful, and I'm excited to be starting the rest of my life as Mrs. Hailey Spencer.

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