
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Open House

Last weekend Chad and I made the drive to CO with Seth, Tara and Beth for our open house.

Even though I was plagued with a horrible illness our open house was ridiculously good looking!

Geralynn really out did herself.

She made a three-tier cake, decorated the patio, had shimmery pumpkins with ribbons, an amazing candy bar, gourmet drinks. It was all seriously stunning.

I cannot believe how absolutely perfect my wedding has been. It was all better than I could ever dreamed.

(click the images to see them BIGGER)

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Whilest in my sickness Geralynn took care of me. She had Beth concoct some vodoo drink that was supposed to cure me. Well, I think it might have helped me feel a bit better. It was a potent drink.

Here's the recipe:

4 drops of Thieves essential oils (contains: cloves, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary)
Juice from 1 whole lemon
Water to fill the cup
Honey to taste

Mix it all up then drink!

Along with that magic potion inside the Spencer's home is a SAUNA. A real, live, legit sauna!!! It was very cool and Geralynn had me sit in there for 15 minutes to sweat out my plague. It was nice, relaxing and well, HOT.

Whilest driving home from Colorado we were passing into a tunnel. We all know that you're supposed to hold your breath and make a wish. So all 5 of us Spencers did just that. When we came out of the tunnel there was the usual "whatdidjawishfor?!" When Seth sighed. He said something to the effect of, "Well that was dumb." Us, "what?" Him, "I just wished for something that already happened!" Us, "What?" Him, "That I'd have a great sister-in-law." OhMyGosh cue me choking back tears and the awwww's. It was incredibly sweet and made me feel even more grateful to have married into such a wonderful family.

How blessed am I?


  1. You guys are so awesome! Your Colorado reception looked lovely, and I'm so glad that you are so happy.

  2. Thanks Erin, we are so happy and it was SUPER lovely!!!
