
Monday, December 3, 2012

Putting on my big girl pants

In the next few weeks life will be winding down so to speak. My internship will be ending, I’ll go from two part time jobs to one full time job. I’ll be a BYU, college graduate.

At this time I want to pass on some words of wisdom on how to balance all the challenges of daily life, be a good wife, daughter, sister, intern, employee, friend and co-worker all while maintaining your sanity.

Good wife: This is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Today while I was driving to work I thought about how Chad chose to marry me above all other women. He finds me most attractive. I am so lucky that out of all the millions of billions of women on this earth, he.chose.me.

Despite my best efforts I still fall short of being superwife, but I am learning.
My advice:

  • Don’t let your own insecurities seep into your relationship with your husband. Know he loves you no matter what and let that give you confidence rather than dragging your husband down.

  • Try to do your best to make dinner/clean the house as much as possible. This one is tough for me because I work all day and sometimes trying to muster the energy to cook dinner is just too much. Thankfully I have an extremely patient husband.

  • We hear this everywhere, but really maintain your sexy self. Go to the gym, shower, and do your makeup. This shows your husband that you care and are putting forth an effort.

  • The three P’s: prayer, patience and play. Pray for and with your husband daily, have patience with him and with yourself, and play. Get into tickle fights, wrestle and laugh.



  • Call mom & dad at least once a week to let them know you’re thinking about them.

  • If possible visit them at least every two weeks, even if it’s for five minutes. You’re off and married but we all still need our parents and they need us more than they’ll let on.



  • This is hard for me seeing how my only sibling is in Taiwan on a mission. But I make a priority to write to him weekly, and I try to include pictures and video so he doesn’t feel like he’s missing out on anything.

  • With the in-laws I try to text, call or talk to them as much as I can. Let them know you’re interested in their lives and you’re so happy to be a part of the family.



  • Get your assignments/projects done on time! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to pick up the slack for people who drop the ball, just don’t do it.

  • Take responsibility for your results. Something didn’t turn out the way you planned or wanted? Take responsibility. There is nothing my boss hates more than an employee who blames their results on everyone else, every outside circumstance and never themselves. Be a big girl.

  • Give an honest day’s work. Yes there are times when we can hardly stare at that excel spreadsheet anymore and we need to take a break. That’s fine, but make sure you’re putting in your best effort and your boss is paying you for making a contribution.



  • Schedule monthly or even bi weekly get together’s.

  • Keep in contact anyway possible. I know my group of girlfriends we have a private blog where we can post things for each other. It’s a great way to let everyone know what’s really going on when we live far apart.

  • Try and call, text or message them when they need a listening ear, or when you’re thinking about them.


Amongst all this don't forget to take some time out for yourself.


  • Take 20 minutes to yourself each day to mediate, do yoga, write in your journal or just relax!

  • Eat right! It can get hard to stay on top of meals when you're so busy. But make sure you're still getting the nutrients you need.

  • Take a minute and think about all you've accomplished and what you want to take on next.

There you go! The little advice I can give to all as I’m growing up and “putting on my big girl pants.”

1 comment :

  1. Ahhh Haze. Just what I needed to hear today. Life is all about balance. Lately I have not has enough sleep and it has been next to impossible to keep up with everything. Then I had one of the most impatient days at work I have had at a long time. Then I STUPIDLY forgot to bring the work key to lock up at the end of the day and had to have Brandon drive half an hour both ways just to get said key to me. It was most frustrating. Grrr.... Well tomorrow is another day. :-)
