
Monday, February 4, 2013

Her side of the story ...

It’s a love story – her side

I had come home from my mission totally ready to wed. I started going on lots of dates, think MILLIONS. With every type of guy God created. Some were fun, some were weird, some were boring, but none were “right.” My mom was prepping for her fall classes and I had the brilliant idea to look at her picture class roll to scope out some hotties. Nothing from her second class, her first class however was promising. I picked out one guy who was from California, brown hair, seemed legit. Then there was another guy, from Colorado, black hair and a gorgeous smile, seemed too good to be true. I tried to Facebook stalk him, which turned up nothing. First thought, “he must be married with kids!”

I decided to “drop by” my mom’s class on the first day and introduce myself. It was such a blur that I don’t remember seeing that stud from Colorado, but I did go talk to my friend Amanda F. about her up-coming wedding, told the class I was single and walked out.

I continued dating other guys.

A few weeks later I got an assignment from one of my classes to interview pre-med, bio students. Knowing that my mom pretty much only taught those kids I went to her class with a sign-up sheet. I explained the situation and asked for everyone to sign it. Done. Then I contacted the said individuals on the sign-up sheet. Enter the stud from Colorado.

I was getting tired and pushed for time so I emailed that stud to ask if he just wanted to do the interview online. He said that he preferred to do it in person, at 7:30 am!!! Ugh, that’s early. Everything inside of me wanted to ditch that interview but there was a little voice that told me to go and do it.

We met at Jamba Juice and I offered to buy him a Jamba in exchange for his time. I remembered thinking he was pretty dang cute. He also refused my Jamba offer saying, “I have a bagel.” Which he never did eat. I interviewed him and a few things stood out to me. “I won’t perform a legit surgery on my own until I’m 36.” “Saying I’m going to be a doctor is nice with the ladies.” We finished the interview and he was a gem and offered to walk me outside. He stood up and we talked and walked outside. We were in front of the Crab Tree where I worked at the time and I said thank you again and he told me he had to go finish a paper for my mom’s class. We went our separate ways and I kept thinking, “he is a stud.”

Sent him a follow-up text. He texted me back.
We texted back and forth for about a month and a half before our first date.

He texted me while I was sitting in sacrament meeting. “This is last minute but I was thinking of driving the alpine loop today, want to go?” I thought he would never ask! I was soooo ecstatic that it must have been the longest 3 hours of my entire life. I came home and got ready and literally waited, heart pounding for 45 minutes.

When he came and picked me up my first thoughts were: 1) OhMyGosh he is SUPER handsome. 2) What a cool car! 3) I can’t believe this is happening, finally.

The Alpine Loop was great, but being with him was better. He was funny, classy, open and intelligent. I wanted the loop to last all day. When he asked me out for a second date while dropping me off I couldn’t hold back how happy I was and I’m sure I had a ridiculous smile on my face.

Yes, yes, yes!

Date 2, 3, 4, 5 …

Text to my mom, “he is the BEST unofficial boyfriend EVER!”

One night in particular he asked if he could call me his “girlfriend” I have never been so happy in my entire life. We sat there in silence, cuddling. It felt so good and so right. I felt like I belonged with him and that we fit together so perfectly. Beside the fact that he was so incredibly handsome, I wanted to be with him all the time. He was all I could think about, all I could talk about, and all I wanted.

10 months later I became his wifey, forever.
And I couldn’t be happier.

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