
Thursday, March 7, 2013

My heart goes patter patter patter

Married people please chime in.

I've been thinking a lot about when I was single, and how everyday (seriously) I would dream of the day that I was married! It seemed so unreal, and almost intangible that someday I would be married. Now that I am, in fact a Mrs. I can't even remember what it feels like to be not married.

I love being married. It feels so, natural.

Sometimes at night I'll have nightmares where I'm not married, and dating random guys and there's drama and craziness. Then I wake up, heart racing and see Chad sleeping there. Everysingletime I see him my heart goes back to normal with a sigh of relief.

What would I do without my man?

When I think about Chad and him meeting new people, my heart gets all excited because he's the most handsomely amazing man and I love showing him off. And I think if you're going to marry someone, you should feel that way.

Yay for being eternally exclusive.



  1. Hahaha!!!! CUTE! I feel the same way. It is hard to think what life was like before perfect ole marriage. :-) I also love showing off Brandon!

  2. I remember telling you this exact same thing before you got married and you looked at me like I was a "dinosaur" or had no life at all. But now you know one of the true secrets of a happy marriage (and it only gets better with time). Remember that you and Harry would give Dad and me a hard time that we could talk at dinner table to each other without speaking a word? That also comes and it is really great also. We love you and Chad more than life . . . . you know the word that goes there. Mambo #5
