
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Little things

Last night I was thinking about what grand, romantic gesture I was going to do for Chad this Valentine's Day. It got me thinking that while grand, romantic gestures are nice, it's the little daily things that really make a difference in our relationship. Chad's really good at doing little things to show he loves me.

He warms up my side of the bed before we go to sleep

He makes sure not to park in in the snow where I get out of the car

He shovels the snow by our curb so I can park easier

He kisses me when he wakes up during the night

He convinces me to take a ski day even if it means he has to stay at work until 1 a.m.

He listens when I tell him about my day

He drives to my parents to let their dog out while they're gone

He takes extra chocolate covered cinnamon bears from wedding receptions just so he can give them to me later

He holds me tight when we walk on the ice so I don't slip and fall

These little things really make all the difference. What are some little things your significant other does for you?


  1. Brandon always makes me lunch every single day. On top of that, the presentation of his food that he makes for me is always flawless. If anything is asymmetrical or does not look perfect, he finds me something to eat that does look perfect. He never gives me bruised fruit. Haha.... Silly little thing but I can tell this is a way he expresses his love.

  2. Awwww that is pretty dang cute. I love it!
